Sunday, March 14, 2021

Allah ? Not !

Okay, i've posted this pic not for the readers of this blog to save it, but let them know that they aren't suppose to accept Allah being written in this way in Arabic. The "Alif" in the middle of 2 "Lameds" was purposely placed in between so as to strike the name of Allah (S.W.T) intentionally.... Not just online, but i've seen artworks of such Calligraphy being sold to Muslims all around the world and those unaware of it don't even know that it means "No Allah" instead of "Allah" in Arabic. Remember to be careful of such deceit and warn others that you know. If you can't read Arabic, ask someone to read out for you the names of Allah (S.W.T) or the verses from the glorious Quran etc, before buying artworks of Islamic calligraphy or saving wallpapers and photos from the net.


  1. Thnx 4 givin us such gr8 in4mation.thnx alot.

  2. You've no idea of what you're talking about.

  3. Thank you!! when i saw the picture on the side I thought this was an "Anti-Islam" post, until I saw it completely.

  4. A gripping wonderfully written blog. Truly a gift for its audience.
    Ramadan angola
